Monday 24 January 2011

Audience Research

As the genre we are doing is a thriller the results give us an upperhand on the way to structure our movie as it is the preferred genre. From the results it also gives us a chance to add the element of comedy, action and horror.
The most popular hobby is watching TV. this gives the impression that our audience like to be entertained.

The results show that a popular character is 'The Stirrer'. This will make for an interesting storyline as we can use various plot twists. This will also engage our audience.

Social class is very important as we need to target our film at this specific audience.  From the results our target audience will be Upper Middle Class so the characters have to be relatable. The storyline and sub-plots will have an element of realism in order to relate to our target audience.

As seen here, the male gender are dominant so we will have a stereotypical damsel in distress. The men will be portryaed as the villain's/ hero's. However we may add a few twists to the roles, depending on the sub-plots in the film.

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