Tuesday 3 May 2011


Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you learnt in the

Looking back at the preliminary task, I have learnt how to be able to position the camera at different types of angles when it came to making movements. I have also learnt how to correctly use the tracks. For example, when we had to shoot the characters feet, instead of using a tripod we simply stuck the camera on to the tracks using blue tack. Shots like the continuity shot were really helpful when making our film as it helped to view the character at different angles in order to make the audience have their personal view on the character. 

 I also learned bout the 180 degree rule, of which there are boundaries for the camera. There is an ‘imaginary line’ going across the two characters that featured in our preliminary task and that we shouldn't go past it to help make it look professional. I also learned about the reverse shot which is used for conversations and to show the facial expressions/reactions of characters.

Q6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

By making our product, I have learnt many things, mainly how to use a camera with or without a tripod. I have also learned how to install the camera on a crane/tracks, and even how to position the camera to take crane shots. I was successful in doing all of this because of our media teacher who made sure we knew what we were doing since the equipment costs a fortune. All of this equipment made our media product successful and made it look professional. When we had to edit our product I also learned how to use iMovie HD which helped for the editing/effects.

Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

We were able to attract our audience through our audience research (questionnaire), where we were able to learn about their interests. This also gave us an idea on who our main character would be and made it possible to relate him to our audience. Therefore we had a middle classed banker around the age of 25 of which is involved in illegal activities. We could relate our character to Keyser Soze, one of the main characters in the Usual suspects, where he is expected to be a cripple poor man, of which we feel sorry for but turns out to be a criminal mastermind.

Q4. Who would be the audience for our product?

Our audience would be middle classed and aimed at 18 to 25 year olds. We deducted this through our audience research and due to the gory scenes of were our character “skins his victims”.

Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Momentum Pictures (also known as Alliance Films UK), is one of the leading independent motion picture distributors in the UK and Ireland.

Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our media product represents the higher middle class due to the main characters job as a banker. Our character is greedy, has compulsive OCD and loves materialism. He is the stereotype of any typical banker. We could say that our character can be relatable to our audience of which were mainly middle classed.

This stereotypical representation was mainly affected by our audience research. But due to his wealth, he is superficial and shallow and is involved in illegal activities. Our representation is similar to that of American psycho, were the character is represented as wealthy and this is shown through his smug appearance.