Tuesday 3 May 2011

Mallika Q7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Whilst making our first preliminary task we did encounter some problems. After uploading our film onto the mac the sound would not work, therefore we were unable to use it. This made us more cautious when making our opening. We had to make sure that everything was perfect. In our first preliminary task the tripod could be seen in the frame so we made sure we didn't make the same mistake when filming our piece. 

When we filmed our second preliminary task we decided that we didn't want to have any dialogue as it looked to stiff. Our preliminary task is completely opposite from our opening as we changed the things we didn't like and did not include them into our final film. 

Our preliminary task enabled us to experiment with various shots that we would eventually use in our final film. We used over the shoulder shots, shot reverse shot, the 180 degree rule, close ups etc. As we had practiced the various shots, we were very confident when incorporating them into our film. The preliminary task was very helpful. It was a platform for us to practice how to stage each frame and the different shots to use. This made the filming of our final piece more successful. 

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