Wednesday 20 April 2011

Kwame - Q5: How did you attract/address your audience?

We were able to attract our audience through the use of the representation and narrative sequence.

Another way in which we were able to address our audience is through our questionnaire in which we were able to find out their interests and give us an idea on how to make our product a commercial success. For example, we asked questions about their class and age, which helped us to develop our main character as a middle classed banker. I believe that through this representation, we exaggerated our character's characterisation purely for the entertainment of the audience. This is something I have realised when watching other films like Usual Suspects, where Keyser Soze is a crippled yet dopey man, but turns out to be the evil masked fiend who commits many crimes which many have been framed for.

In addition to this we used this audience research to make the characters relatable, so we had a middle classed young banker, going through a daily routine, but secretly is involved in criminal activity which also leads the audience to resent him. We have set the narrative in such a way so that it will enable the audience to engage into a movie that they will not expect. This is used in a lot of other similar media products in order to make it a success. However it has this unique selling point where it is a psychological thriller but it is not like that of a typical one where it contains some explicit violence which would also surprise the contemporary viewer.

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